Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Oh no...Maternity Clothes

Not in major need yet, but I am a the true sense of the word (not doomsday, those people are crazy lol), but I like to be prepared. So I've been searching and scouting out some stores. Old Navy and Target are the 2 we focused on tonight. I saw some shirts the other night at Old Navy and didn't buy them. However, went back tonight and decided to buy 2, they were on sale. Also, we checked out Target and found 2 dresses, 1 shirt on clearance, and a pair of khakis on clearance. The khakis are way too long, but I figure that's going to be the norm for me, unless it's short in pants, I'm usually dealing with the legs being too I figure I'll see if my mom can hem them. But they were $11, and I figured $11 for khakis for when school starts back, not a bad deal. So I am somewhat over some of my frustration of the finding clothes to fit (for now). I am thinking of getting some gauchos and fold over skirts from Old Navy, too. I don't want to invest too much money and waste my money, but I know I'll need things--I just need to remember I don't have to buy everything at once, plus I have a couple of great girlfriends finishing up with maternity clothes, that are gracious enough to share. Very lucky!

Also, tonight while out, Andrew and I were on Harbison and noticed there is a Carter's now!! We went in, they have only been open for a week. I, of course, was goo goo gaa gaa over everything---boy and girl!! We bought one item...that was on sale, most everything was on sale...super cute long sleeve/long pant footie onesie...that is super cute and gender neutral. I CANNOT wait to go shopping once we know the baby's gender. Tons of cute stuff at this store, great prices, and my favorite was the cute crab stuff for said htings like Pinch me, I'm cute!! oh so adorable. If you don't know, there is a commercial I love from years ago...No Pinch, which I think started my love for the crab stuff:)

But here's a look at what we got:

front (says cute as can be) with froggie feet 

back (frog butt)

It's a lime green and white, terry cloth material, super cute and gender neutral, will be good for a baby born in to go hang it in baby Oliver's closet. 

Oh boy, (or girl), I'm going to need more money to handle all of the cuteness I want to buy! 


  1. So cute! I just bought a set that matches that from Babies R Us for Tucker at 9 months so little Oliver and Tuck will be almost twinsies then :)
