Saturday, June 8, 2013

How are you feeling?

This seems to be one of the most common questions I'm asked lately. I want to use this blog as a way to update all of my friends and family, but also as a log for myself to remember and look back on what we have experienced since getting married. Now, it's more about baby, but that's the new adventure for the Oliver's, so I guess it's only fitting.

So the real am I feeling?

This last week of school my lower back started aching. I've had issues with my lower back in the past, but thankfully it's not the same kind of pain. This pain is more of a dull pain that seems to go away after a while. Jamie and Jessie said they had this kind of pain in their 2nd trimesters, but their pains were higher/mid back, and mine is lower, so they say we're having a girl...only time will tell. They say they'll be mad if we have a girl, but I know they're only kidding (right, ladies?) lol. Supposedly, the pain is from ligaments stretching and preparing themselves for what's to come. I always thought the pain in my back would come in the end when I was much bigger, but evidently this is the time.

Feeling sick has basically gone away, randomly that feeling will rush over me, but mostly I am ok with eating.
However, a sad day came yesterday, when we went to Mexican to celebrate for my dad's birthday. I already cannot have cheese dip (it's possibly unpasteurized), so that's sad, but chips and salsa are still on the menu! Unfortunately, once I got my meal, basically a burrito with some lettuce, sour cream, salsa on it...I took about 3 bites, and then that sick feeling came over me. I did not finish my meal, so sadly, I'm thinking Mexican might be off my list of things I want....oh baby Oliver, don't you know Mexican is my favorite?

Some of the foods I've enjoyed more and wanted more lately:
fruit smoothies
cherry limeades (which I never liked before)

Another change, I seem to use the bathroom a lot more now...luckily I am not waking up multiple times at night to go, but I have woken up at 5 or 6am (close to my school alarm time) for the past week or two...weird. Some say they used the bathroom in the 1st and 3rd trimesters more, so do all of the What to Expect apps, etc, but it seems to be 2nd for me, but I am drinking more water lately, which could be part of it, too.

Water doesn't seem to be too much of an enemy, not as much as before anyway.

I'm sure I'm forgetting something on how I am feeling, but luckily, I'm feeling good. I get tired of course, but I think that's always going to be a side effect.

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