Saturday, June 1, 2013

15 weeks and counting...

It's hard to believe that next week, we will be 16 weeks along, which is basically 4 months of this journey already over...seemed like forever ago when we were waiting to tell family and friends the big news.

I found out today through my What to Expect app, that the baby is starting to sense light and is starting to hear exciting! Although, the ultrasounds have to prove to me there's a baby in there, lol. I can't see much change from the outside, although boy can I feel it (the sickness, etc), but I am trying to embrace that part. I am trying to embrace the fact that I do not look pregnant, yet. Andrew has been working nonstop lately, going to bed a lot later than me with new job changes, but the other day we had some time to hang out. He was hugging me and felt my tummy down near the baby and was like awww look....He says he can feel/tell a difference. I know it's changing but I'm still in my normal clothes and feeling about the same, which I am thanking my lucky stars for, I know that's a good thing. However, I am just so anxious and excited to 'see' and feel our baby!

We are planning to find out the gender, which will happen at our next appointment and ultrasound on June 25th. We are not sharing with everyone until July 13th, when we'll have a gender reveal party. We are waiting so long after because we will be out of town right after the appointment and lots of our close friends will be, once everyone is back in town and we are too, the official reveal will happen. Andrew and I want to have our special time to find out boy or girl at the doctor, and really use our reveal to surprise others and to celebrate with them. I know everyone has their own opinion on it and does it differently, but this is what we wanted to do:)

By the way, people say you should go on a babymoon before the baby is born, usually in your 2nd trimester, so our week at the beach in June will be our babymoon, I guess. We will be with family and have lots of time to relax and enjoy one another! Excited...countdown to June 29th is on...28 days!!!

More weekly pictures to come... but here's a look at our finalized pregnancy reveal pictures from a few weeks ago. These were taken on our 12 week mark and used to reveal our secret. Thanks to Brianna and Peachy Anchor Photography. We love them.

Of course, baby Oliver is a Gamecock

Baby Oliver's first picture at 8 weeks

Last minute try, we didn't have bubble gum, only chewing gum, so I spent 30 minutes trying to make a bubble that would look good and hold in a picture, but no such luck. However, I do love this one and think it's adorable because of Andrew's I'm no where near ready to pop, just due to pop, fits!

12 weeks=size of a plum

Notice the 3 lily pads....

Here are our weekly updates for last week and this week.....

Plus a bathing suit that's baby ready .....

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