Sunday, December 30, 2012

Pinterest Project

While I do agree that Pinterest can make some of us feel inadequate because it makes things appear so perfect, I am not that obsessed. Don't get me wrong, I love looking at new things on Pinterest and I do enjoy trying to recreate some of them, usually food, but I try some of the other things, too.

Here's a quick simple project I made today. I was tired of my scarves sitting in a box they were originally packed in when we moved into our house earlier this year, so I saw this the other day and just had to recreate it. Now I did have to find hangers with some division on the ends, so 2 scarves could be placed on either end to evenly distribute the weight.


Materials (sorry upside down, won't rotate :-/ )

Shower rings go on the hanger


Thursday, December 27, 2012

New Hobby

This year for Christmas Andrew might have went a little overboard, but I'm very excited that I got a new camera! It's a Nikon D3200!!! Now I just have to learn how to use it, so I can get as many advantages out of it as possible!