Thursday, November 28, 2013

Welcome Lucas Benjamin Oliver

On Tuesday, Nov. 19th  I had contractions off and on that night and throughout Wednesday, Nov. 20th.  Andrew and I both stayed home from work on that day because we thought for sure we were going to welcome Lucas into our lives that day. However, the contractions went off and on and all day but with no Lucas to arrive.
The night of Nov. 20th, we went to bed but contractions kept coming; however, I couldn't call the doctor or go to the hospital because my contractions were not close enough together for an hour. However, around 2:30am, my water broke (or at least I thought) ...called the doctor and family and headed to the hospital.
When arriving and getting in, I found out I was 4cm dilated and they got me all hooked up and ready to go. I was moved to a Labor and Delivery room, where our parents showed up and waited with us. They gave me some pain meds which made me loopy and sleepy, so I'm not sure what happened in the middle of all that, except that they all went to eat breakfast, while Andrew stayed with me.
Once I was at 6cm dilated, they gave me the epidural (most difficult part of the whole process, but well worth it) and then it was about mid day. We began some practice pushes around 1pm and not much later, Lucas was here!!!
We were Lucas Benjamin Oliver on Nov. 21, 2013 at 1:48pm. He weighed 5 lbs 15.9oz and was 20.5 inches long. He is our little blessing and we are so in love. It was a joyous day. Honestly, although of course it was painful, it was all worth it and not that bad. I was blessed with an easy pregnancy, no complications or problems, and lucky for me, the delivery was the same way. Here is a photo recap of the arrival of Lucas with his visitors at the hospital and since being home.






Aunt Laura

3 generations

Aunt Becca

one tired daddy

cuddling with mommy


a family of 3

Lucas B. Oliver

Aunt Jamie

Aunt Jessie

Aunt Gaia

Uncle Kyle

Aunt Jenn

Gigi and Pop

Grandma and Poppie

Grandma and Aunt Gaia

Mama, Lucas, and me

Baby Lucas

with his friend Tucker--9 month difference

Aunt Jamie

Uncle Jordan


Aunt Laura

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