Saturday, November 16, 2013

39 Weeks and Counting....

We are getting closer and my doctor would say...You never know...Lucas's due date is 1 week away, but who knows when he will make his debut?! We are scheduled for an induction on Monday, Nov. 25th if he doesn't arrive before then. I truly hope and pray he comes on his own time, but at peace with the induction if needed because it's what would be best according to my doctor, as to not get too close/past 41 weeks, where they begin to see complications.

I've had a few things happen through exams, etc that show he's moving his way down and that things are progressing, but no real signs water breaking or regular contractions...I had a few, but they didn't last (and to be honest, I think they were from a big meal, lol). Regardless, we are excited to meet our baby boy and cannot wait.

This weekend has been the first in months where we've literally had NOTHING scheduled or TO DO at all, and man has it been nice :) Andrew even stayed up almost all night playing games on Friday night, something he rarely ever does. He said he didn't mean to do it, he just started playing a game and looked down and saw it was 5am. LOL I told him he must have subconsciously been staying up at least one last time on his account not on Lucas's :)

Also this weekend before leaving work, lots of people at his work and mine said Lucas would be coming this coworkers said because of the full moon, so did a friend of my mom's...then Andrew's coworkers said Friday, Saturday, or Monday...there is still more time, but so far, no go ...we shall see who is right or at least the closest.

Today was a little early Christmas for me, Andrew ordered me my 50mm lens for my camera, which I've been wanting for a while. I really wanted it before Lucas arrived to use it, it creates a certain image that I love with the blur....I am not big into opening presents/giving presents early because I want something on the day of, so he was worried I would be mad, but I'm excited and have already started playing around with it, to hopefully know the ins and outs. Andrew said tracking said it would arrive NEXT Friday so he was angry because he figured Lucas would be here and I'd be without it since Lucas was here. But now that the lens has arrived, I told Andrew that Lucas will wait until his due date, LOL :) but as my doctor says...again...You never know...

Here's a look at 39 weeks....

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