Friday, October 5, 2012

Baby Adventures: Baby Howe has been Revealed

Baby Howe is on the way. Some of our best friends, Jamie and Jordan, are having their first baby. They wanted to surprise everyone with the baby's gender and they wanted to be surprised, how fun!! So we stepped up and said we wanted to help throw their gender reveal party; so Jessie and I got together and made it happen.

Most of the girls voted girl, but the boys all voted BOY and some of the girls, too! We played an Old Wives Tale Game, asking Jamie a question and based on her answer we told her whether the tale said it was a girl or boy. The boy votes won again...and guess what?! The sonogram showed, it's a BOY:) Mr. Tucker Scott Howe will be arriving sometime in mid-February!! I cannot wait to see him, he is literally going to be the cutest baby boy:-)

Here's a recap of all the fun:

Choose your team

getting set up

Skyping with family

Parents to be!

food is ready

boy or girl?

blue vs. pink

getting set up

cute name tags created by Jessie

Pinatas by Jessie, put your order in now:) LOL

which team are you?

Blue? no way!

Are you team pink or team blue?


Pinata with Jamie taking the first swing...boy or girl??? (great job Jessie)


Yay for Tucker Scott!!

One proud Daddy to be!

So, as you can see there were many votes for pink, but we all embraced the results:)

Proud, beautiful, glowing Mommy and one ecstatic Daddy

watching the ultrasound dvd:)

watching the ultrasound

So excited to be a part of this new family's life and cannot wait to meet little Tucker Scott:) Congrats Jamie and Jordan!! We love you and baby Tucker!!! 

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