Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The First Night

The First Night came on February 24, 2014...what is the first night? The First Night Lucas every slept all night was last night. I can't believe it. It's just one more step to him growing up. I know this is what we ultimately want, and until last night I remember dreaming of this day for the past 3 months...thinking oh what it will be like to sleep one night again and NOT wake up and have Lucas sleep all night?! then it happened and I cried!!

Yes, I said it, I cried!! I cried because my baby boy is growing up so fast!! I am so proud of him, but a little part of me was just so sad (and almost in disbelief)!  Of course, I woke up at 5:15 and thought really he hasn't woken up? And second guessed myself and wondered did I go feed him? (sometimes I forget the feedings depending on how tired I am). 

 It started Saturday night where he slept from 8pm-4am at Gigi and Pop's house. Gigi put him to bed while we were in Atlanta at the Supercross after taking care of him that day-she did a great job-they wore each other out, and he went down well that night. Then the next night, he slept from 8pm-5am, which was amazing, but I didn't think there was any way that he would move to sleeping all night so quickly as in the week before he woke up 2 to 3 times a night for a few nights...just getting back into routine, I guess?! Who knows if this will continue tonight or every night, but it's a great accomplishment and milestone! 

Another monumental thing happened this morning, something no woman should ever be upset about...but I woke up, got dressed, and my pre-pregnancy work pants fit!!! I was a little sad about this, too. Why in the world would I say that? I'm not sad the pants fit, I'm more sad because it symbolizes one more step of moving away from the pregnancy/newborn stage. I am not sad to leave this stage, but if you have been pregnant you'll probably understand that there is a small part of me that AT TIMES does miss being pregnant....and leaving this stage is just finalizing that. I am excited for this, please don't mistake my mixed emotions because it's a great feeling (to fit into my pants OR at least this pair LOL)!

Oh motherhood, you are surely tugging on my heart strings this week!! 

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