Monday, February 24, 2014

Mommy Guilt

Over the last 13 1/2 weeks I've experienced something I'd like to call "Mommy Guilt'. If you are a mom, you probably know exactly what I'm talking about without me explaining. In the last 2 weeks since being back to work the Mommy Guilt has intensified. Every afternoon once we get home I have 4 hours or less with my little man, so every minute that does not HAVE to be spent doing something else, I am with him, whether it's snuggling with him, playing with him, talking with him, feeding him, reading with him, holding him, loving on him, bathing him, preparing him for bed, and anything else you can imagine.....the ONLY thing I will do/consider doing before he goes to bed is cooking supper...everything else MUST wait. Or at least that's how I feel. Speaking to a fellow Mommy friend, I know I am not crazy, thanks Jenn for reassuring me!

I am I am doing what's right for me and my family. Every night after Lucas goes down around 8pm, I have a list of to-do's from dishes, preparing lunches, prepping/washing his bottles, etc...but it's worth the time spent after he goes down if it means I get that quality time with him while he's awake.

It's not that I would rather do these other things, I just have the feeling that I NEED to do these things. I've found that YES, I do need to do those things, but those things can wait! That's what I've learned and how I've dealt with it. I love my baby boy more than I ever KNEW possible. I never understood this love until I met my baby boy!

The other stuff will get done, but it's most important I spend time with my baby and my family! So to those moms with Mommy Guilt, I feel ya, it's hard, just keep on going and try to stop feeling guilty. I am learning it's ok to do things without your baby, enjoy your 'me' time, enjoy your adult time, enjoy things you love to do, and try to not feel guilty (this is what I'm telling myself), but if you're like me, the things you enjoy doing now all focus on and revolve around your baby!

Being a mommy is hard work and some days are filled with tears, some are filled with laughs and smiles, some are filled with lots of yawns, but one thing is for's all worth it for those little ones we love so my little one below.

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