Friday, February 14, 2014

New Mommy Status

The last few days of ice and snow have allowed me some extra time with my 2 boys at home---I'd like to think of it as an extension to my maternity leave and with the exception of the damage and loss of power that others have experienced I have thoroughly enjoyed this time at home with them!! Granted it's hard to just stay indoors, but I did become a pro at it when I was on maternity leave :) However, I will take these extra days at home with my little sweet thing and his daddy any day!!

While being home I started thinking about how much being a mom has changed me, and of course, for the better! As a new mom, you learn so much, heck as an experienced mom, you learn so much, but those first days and weeks are you hear me? HARD. But we made it through, and with each new phase/change comes another hard experience, but for the time being, it doesn't feel as hard.

Going back to work was tough and the first day was the hardest. I cried a little bit less each day of the week, but it was still hard. We had a faculty meeting after school my first day back and Andrew was at work a little later than all in left for a hard night...a tiring night. The mornings are also hard, trying to balance all that needs to be done and in a timed manner....but after just one week, I felt like we were getting into our own groove and routine. I know everyday will not be easy, but I am here to tell all those new moms gets easier.

Saying goodbye gets easier (not ever fun or easy, but easier)
Finding your routine/groove gets easier
Balancing work/wife/mommy/homemaker status gets easier

Now, of course, this all is dependent on your little sweet thing and how he/she feels that day/that moment/etc, but it does get least I feel it has for me and I hope that continues because I need that boost that I'm doing this and doing pretty good at it.

Here's a look at my baby boy...12 weeks on 2-13-14...He makes even the hard moments better!! These were taken in back to back in a multi shutter so it's a real portrayal of his expressions :)

I heard someone say once "The days are long but the years go by so fast" he grows I'm beginning to see what they mean...

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