Wednesday, July 10, 2013

God's Blessings Never Cease to Amaze Me!

My life would not be as amazing as it is without my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I cannot give Him enough thanks or glory for all that He has blessed me with, and I will continue to praise Him because I know He has so much more planned for my life. I cannot list the number of times God has blessed me and my family. Are their times when things seems hard and sometimes bleak and make you want to question? Oh yes, and God knows that we will have those times of doubt, worry, and struggle. However, because of all of His blessings, I just constantly pray that He leads me to trust Him and not worry or question.

In the past 3+ years since being married, we've had so many different events where God has just blessed us beyond our wildest dreams.

Jan. 2010: Andrew started his job
April 18, 2010: First visit to NewSpring and Andrew accepted to follow Christ
April 26, 2010: Got a call back from my interview at BCE and was offered a job
April-May 2010: Found our apartment
June 2010: Our Wedding & Honeymoon
(Oct. 2011)-May 2012: moved into our house (we started the process in Oct on our current home, and it took time, but God's blessings again were never eneding!
May 2013: Announced that we were extending our family and pregnant with our first child
June 2013: Andrew was offered another job, with lots of opportunity for him and us

The moment we give things over to God, He simply blows our mind!! This new opportunity for Andrew could not have come at a more amazing time, since we are expecting our first child. I'd been praying for Andrew and what God wanted him to do for the past few months. I wasn't praying specifically but praying more that God lead him and us in the right path, and I prayed that God would help us to trust Him and His plans, no matter our desires. I also read a dear friend's blog recently (Visit Ashley) where she was expecting her first baby and was so worried how her and her husband would provide for the baby-as this wasn't part of their plan. After reading her whole entry though, I realized I was feeling the same way, even though Andrew and I were planning for a baby, I was starting to feel the pressure of-will we be able to provide all this child needs? and after reading her entry, it hit me, if God has ALWAYS provided for me, why would He bless me with our first baby, another child of His, and not allow us to provide, and ultimately Him providing? He has already blessed our baby with so much!

The answer is, He wouldn't! If He was willing to bless us with this precious life growing inside of me, why would He make us struggle? He wouldn't. We love God, Jesus is our Lord and Savior, and serve Him everyday.  I am soooooooooo thankful for friends and family who will pray with us, that was another thing Ashley mentioned in her blog, praying, praying hard & often, and asking others to pray with you--we did just that!!

I CANNOT wait to see what God has in store for us. I have never been lead astray by following God, and every day and every thing He blesses us with, it just gives me one more testimony of how and why I trust Him COMPLETELY. There is no reason I would doubt Him, even when things are hard, He can truly create blessings no matter what. I hope everyone experiences and knows this kind of peace, comfort, and trust!

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