Monday, June 23, 2014

New Guests & That Smile

Over the past few days we've gotten a couple new guests...I'm sorry, Lucas is getting a couple of new guests...or at least one....a top tooth, but I think both are coming in.

He's started doing this super cute look...
However, when he kept doing it, I knew something was up, he's chewing on his bottom lip to ease some of the pain of the top teeth :( poor guy. His bottom teeth didn't cause near as much grief. But this poor fella has gone through the ringer over the past few days with these top teeth. He's had a fever, some serious tears, clinging to mommy, sleeping more (not a bad thing), diaper rash, and even some bathroom issues. 

If you know Lucas at all, you know his temperament is so laid back and easy going. He is smiling and happy unless he's hungry or tired, most anything else just doesn't phase him. Sadly, the past few days he has not been himself. I've cried with him as I've tried to ease the pain in so many ways. 

And I learned something, oh how I love his precious smile and hearing him coo, talk, and laugh. Yes, of course, I knew those things, but man over the past few days I've learned how precious those things are and how much I MISS them!! He was smiling today and laughing on the floor with me and my heart just burst with joy because that beautiful smile and that adorable laugh has not been present nearly enough. He's been constantly making that cute face above, chewing on his paci--yes chewing, or sadly, crying. I learned how precious that smile and laugh are to me. And I also learned that I take them for granted. I'm sure I will again in the future as it will become the norm once this tooth (teeth) pop through, but for now, I will savor those smiles and giggles that make my day! I love this little boy. I'm glad to have my hubby and mom there to support us through this; although it may not be a big deal to most, it's hard to see him struggle through this, and I hope this isn't the norm for any upcoming teeth...the first two spoiled me :) 

Here's to a good night's rest for us all and hopefully a happy, giggling baby that isn't in pain anymore! 


  1. Grady is doing the same lip chew thing. It is hilarious and sometimes I get scared he is going to bruise his lip.

    1. Haha, those boys. He has been chewing on his paci a lot more than normal. I'm hoping the tooth (teeth) break through soon, it's not easy when he's spoiled me with his happiness.
