Wednesday, October 23, 2013

1 Month

Today is officially 1 month until Lucas's due date.

Dear Lucas,

The anticipations is killing us, your daddy and I have never been good at waiting patiently for something exciting, but we are doing it...or trying!! We are both so overjoyed to meet you. As the time draws closer, I wonder who you will look like, what you will like to do as you grow up, and who will you act like? The most important thing I want to teach you is that you have a great and mighty Lord and Savior who died for you to be born, and He will give you a positive attitude, hope, faith, and love each day...I want you to know him and become more like him each day you live. As parents I want us to not only teach you this but model this for you. Besides knowing Christ, I want you to become a wonderful student, a young gentleman to everyone, take on a talent in something-whether it be music, sports, automotives/motorcycles (like your daddy and grandpa), or whatever it is you have a passion for as you grow. I know that if you are anything like any man in our family, you will be a great Christian and a great person!! I know they are so excited to meet you and cannot wait for your arrival, we love you so much!!

I know our lives will never be the same once you're here, and we are both so excited for that. We cannot wait to hold you, love you, and introduce you to all of the WONDERFUL family and friends who already love you dearly.

Our countdown is on and we are anxiously awaiting you!! November is almost here, it's almost your time :)

We love you,
Mommy & Daddy

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