Saturday, May 23, 2015

Strawberry Pickin'

Today we went to Cottle Strawberry Farm to go strawberry picking!

It was something I wanted to do on Mother's Day weekend, but we were out of town. So this morning we met the Howe's at the farm and picked some strawberries. It was also another excuse for me to use my camera, which Andrew wants me to do more.

Recently the photographer who took Lucas's newborn photos decided to sell some of her canvases of her work, and one of them is of Lucas. So I am anxious to get it:) It inspired me to order some canvases to display in our home. I'd like to create a gallery wall, Andrew's on board, it's going to be a building process, but I am excited to see it all come together over time. One of the pics ordered on canvas was a shot from today...


That tongue ;) 

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