Monday, April 20, 2015


Where do you find your inspiration? Who is an inspiration to you? That's what we were asked today in our faculty meeting. First, we watched a video called the Science of Happiness.

At the conclusion of the video, those featured were asked to read their letter of gratitude to those they wrote to or about. The research found those who express gratitude in whatever way, big or small, are genuinely happier people. Being an overall happy person, I think I agree. I don't agree because I am bragging on myself for being grateful, but the reason I say this is because it truly makes me happy to make other happy. I love to surprise other people, I love to make them smile, and I love to see them happy. So I find some truth in this study.

Today's challenge after watching the video was to write a letter to one person who has inspired us since being at our school. This wasn't a hard choice for me, but I had a few people that I felt this way about. However, the person I chose was my friend Jamie.

Jamie started the year I did at our school, midway through the year, taking our Science Lab position. The next year, she was given a different position and moved to our 5th grade team. I didn't know it then but we would hit it off and become the closest of friends. From buying a house to attempting Take ONE for National Board certification, to having a baby, it seems in the 5 short years we've known each other, we've been through a lot. 

We truly started to bond when we both attended a Bible study group hosted by our good friend Jessie, another person who inspires me. Our husbands hit it off and so did we, outside of school related topics. Over a year in this Bible study, we became close and started spending more time together.

Although our group changed and eventually came to an end through different life changes, our friendship grew closer. Jamie's first baby was born in 2013, Tucker. I didn't know it, but that little boy was a life changer, even for me. Recently, Tucker was diagnosed with a rare form of muscular dystrophy, called Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. What a heart breaking, gut wrenching, crippling thing to hear. Since then, many times Jamie and I have sat and talked, laughed, cried, and hugged. It has been one of the most difficult things for their whole family to accept, along with ours. Every night we thank God that the Howe's and Tucker were brought into our lives, we praise Him for the blessings and glimmers of hope, no matter how small, and we beg for a cure, strength for Tucker, and hope and faith for their family. And through it all, although it's been tough, Jamie has shown faith, courage, strength, boldness, love, and patience. I have watched her grow and change into a mother over the past 2 years, but I have watched her mature and develop an even deeper love and appreciation for her little boy since December. I cannot imagine being in her shoes, and I just find so much inspiration from her, not only in our friendship, but in her actions. 

I am blessed to know this young woman and call her my friend. It is my honor to be able to not only work with her, but to do life with her, as we cannot do it alone. At the end of this school year though, our paths will part physically as her family moves to Washington state, closer to both sets of grandparents and closer a specialized children's hospital for Tucker, and although my heart breaks for selfish reasons, I am thankful for the opportunities to come for this sweet family I call my friends. I am excited to see what God has planned for Tucker and this beautiful family. 

She has inspired me as a mother, as a wife, as a friend, as a follower of Christ, and so much more. I know this is not the end for us, and I know we will remain close, even though we will be miles apart. I pray only the best for you Jamie, and your sweet family, whom I have come to love as my own. Thank you for the past 5 years of friendship, and no matter how many miles stand between us, I look forward to the many more years of friendship us, our husbands, and our boys (and babies) will have in the future.

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet tribute. Big surprise here but this made me cry. (:
