Friday, November 21, 2014

ONE year ago

November 21, 2013
A year ago my life changed forever (it started long before Lucas arrived), but the day he came into our lives, I was changed and I didn't even know it. 

I labored for 24+ hours starting on Nov. 20th and on
 November 21, 2013 at 1:48pm 
we met our 
Lucas Benjamin Oliver

 This sweet little boy was so miraculous and beautiful. And he still is to this day.

He still makes this cute face (I think he gets it from his Mommy)

His daddy was completely infatuated with him (I didn't get to hold him much in the first week LOL)

My cute family of 3 on day 2 at home. 

I can't imagine my life without our sweet Lucas. He is truly a joy. Andrew made the comment the other day to Lucas, he said, "You are my biggest accomplishment." When I heard him say this I thought, that describes how I feel to a T! 

This little boy has taught me so much in only a short year. I cannot believe this year has passed so fast. I remember thinking of all the things he would do and how much he would grow and change and learn...and those things will not change....but it's crazy, I remember getting so excited for him rolling over, sitting up, eating food, crawling, talking, walking, etc. While I was excited for each of these milestones, I'd like a mulligan to go back and relive it. 

Tonight as I laid him down, I teared up thinking about how much things have changed in the past year, but how truly blessed we are to have Lucas. God sent us the most beautiful, fun loving, sweet baby boy ever. I thank God every day for sending this sweet miracle to us. I wish there were real words to explain my love and admiration for this boy. He brings so much laughter to me each day. 

He is our greatest accomplishment and blessing. In the past year I have truly learned the meaning of putting some else first. Being a mommy is a whole new world and it's hard at times, but it the most amazing job title I will ever hold. I am excited to see what the future holds for us and our sweet Lucas. We are excited to continue to watch him grow and learn. 

Happy 1st Birthday My Baby Boy, Lucas. 
Your Daddy and I love you so much!
You are so special to us! 
We are so excited to celebrate YOU!
You have brought us the MOST joy and we couldn't imagine life without you!

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