Wednesday, September 9, 2015


We decided to visit our family on Labor Day and let them in on a little secret we've been keeping ... Here's a look at what we told them.

So the secret's out and has been out (this is being written late on 9-23 but better late than never, right?) Lucas is going to be a BIG BROTHER in April 2016. Our due date is 4-15-16 (Tax Day as everyone keeps saying). I was hesitant to tell everyone early because at the time of our reveal we were only 9 weeks in, but I am really glad we did. This one has been hard as far as morning sickness (which is a tricky name because it lasts almost all day), and I've been extremely exhausted...come 8 pm when Lucas goes to bed I am laying down for bed, too. So I think it's a good thing we told everyone because it would have been really hard to mask how I've been feeling and why I've been eating really weird or not eating much at all. It's been hard to eat 3 full meals a day, much less 3 meals and 2 snacks like I would normally do. I am eating and I am staying healthy. but it's definitely different than my pregnancy with Lucas so far. I did feel this way with Lucas, but it happened in the morning and when I drank water, and it seemed to disappear faster in the day. Others seem to agree with me, so I don't think I'm making it up. Some things that are similar is that when I hear or see something then it can make me want it, but once I get it, I could care less. I have things I bought while being at the grocery store and have yet to eat or eaten very little. However, another difference is my sense of smell is so strong and my nose is so sensitive, the slightest thing can make my stomach turn. Lots of people seem to think since things are so different this means we are having a girl. That is my vote, and Andrew's vote, and almost everyone we have told. Only my Dad says boy. Lucas' vote changes daily and depending on what you say...he usually repeats the last time you say if you say brother or sister? he says sister. If you say sister or brother, he says we shall see. We should have our gender reveal ultrasound around Thanksgiving time. We are excited to see, either way, a happy healthy baby with no complications is what we are praying for.

We are still working on names, but we think we have our 2 favorites set. We'll let you in on those when we finalize, but we are very excited!! Besides how do you feel, everyone always asks, "Were you trying?" And the answer is, "Yes." Although God's plans are better than ours, we are excited with his timing and trust in his plan! Look for weekly pics with how the baby grows and Lucas telling you fun stuff about baby #2 :)  #OliverOnTheWay   #Oliver&Co.   #IamaBigBrother

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