Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Prognosis & Updates

Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. 
Colossians 4:2

Here's our update on Lucas

 We visited the allergist today (7/15) and dermatologist yesterday (7/14). Both think it's eczema. We have a cream, an oil, and prescription for him from the dermatologist that allergist agreed with. We also have switched his soap, lotion, and sunscreen to Vanicream while this clears and his skin goes back to normal. I also will start drying our clothes without a dryer sheet, because at this point anything could be irritating his skin and egging it on more. 

It's possible he has an allergy to red dye in food, but unlikely, we did stop gummy vitamins to test that, too. However, after coming home and reading the ingredients, I don't see it on the label.

We go back to the dermatologist at the end of the month for a check up. If it's not cleared or clearing, we may speak to the allergist again, but they can't test him right now with his skin like this. If the medicine we have now doesn't help by Monday, the dermatologist will call in an oral steroid to help. As of of now Lucas is in good spirits and doing well. He's just as rambunctious as normal, which is good. He may not look like he feels good based on his skin, but his pleasant demeanor would tell you differently. He's swollen at times (especially when waking up), but once the meds are in him the allergist says that should go away, too. Thank you for prayers, please keep them coming.

I see an improvement in scratching already with just one dose of stuff in and on his skin. We are praying for this to continue and happen quickly. 

It has certainly been an exhausting and draining experience, but I am praising God for his many blessings. I am also praising him because it doesn't seem to be an allergic reaction, thankfully, and I hope that remains true. The dermatologist does not seem to think this condition will continue once we get this under control and cleared up. She believes it was started from a virus and just got worse, so fingers crossed and lots of prayers that is the case and this isn't a lifelong thing. 

Thank you for all of the prayers, suggestions, and well wishes. We really appreciate the support, and we'll keep you updated.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5-6

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