Wednesday, December 3, 2014

When Your Cousins are More...

I did not grow up with siblings. Later in life I gained a step sister and step brother, but that experience of a sibling didn't happen for me as a kid, and that's ok. However, as an only child, I think I found my substitute for siblings, it was and is my cousins. All of my first cousins are younger than me except one, and I still remember them being born, me spending time with them at my grandparents' house, vacations and holidays with them. They are my best friends, but they are more, they are my siblings.

I can't imagine life without each of them.

I have other cousins who are my age and are children to my parents' cousins. So although they are second/or once removed cousins, we still consider each other cousins. We don't question it, we grew up together and have created some wonderful memories.

But my first cousins, those are the ones I am in constant contact with...holidays, birthdays, vacations, and more. My younger cousins are all boys, and I love each of them as a baby brother. I wish they could truly understand my love and admiration for them. I am so proud of the men they are becoming, and I hope they know that I love them so much. My other first cousin who is older than me is my other girl in the immediate family. Brandy and I grew up together at our Grannie's house or at her house--playing and goofing off a lot.

A few memories in particular that are some of my favorites--
  • We would spend the night at our Grannie's house every year the night before Christmas Eve to help wrap presents and be there when everyone arrived on Christmas Eve. One night I remember us being put to bed, but not going to sleep. We played and made a giant mess in our room. Brandy told me if I didn't clean up, at this point it was about 1am, then we'd get in trouble in the morning because Grannie would know we hadn't gone straight to bed, like we were supposed to. So I proceeded to clean up the room, alone. :) She was a few years older than me and clearly a little sneakier, and I was very compliant and didn't want to get in trouble.
  • Spending weekends at your house hanging out with Aunt Kim and feeding the pet pig...yep! 
  • Being introduced to some popular music at the time, like Chumbawumba's Tubthumpin
  • Or learning how to play games on the original's a good thing you introduced it to me because no one else had one in my family :) 
Here's a throwback that will always make me think of you...

But the thing is you were taken too young. On Thanksgiving, almost a week ago, we were sitting at Grannie's enjoying lunch together. Our plans for Thanksgiving changed and we were able to come to Grannie's house for lunch. God knew what he was doing. God knew I needed to be there with you. God knew you needed to hold and love on Lucas. God knew we needed those memories together. And although, we cannot make any new memories with you, we will have all the memories you left with us to hold onto. Tuesday morning was a shock for me and all who received the news. I was in disbelief, there were no signs, no reasons, it was all completely unexpected. I'm glad to have grown up with you. I'm glad to have these memories from so many different times with you. I'm glad to call you my cousin. You are like a sister I didn't have growing up. So many are left hurting and missing you right now, but we know you'd tell us to suck it up, dry our tears, and move on. It's going to be hard, but one day at a time, we will. Be sure to give Uncle Erv, Uncle Bubba, your Uncle Craig, and Your Grandaddy our love, and let them all know we miss them, too.  I love you dearly and until we meet again...

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